The Club is a public, non-profit organisation established for the sole object of promoting the interests of mountaineering, primarily in South Africa, as a recreational pastime and on a non-professional basis conducting all its activities in a manner that is for the benefit of, and widely accessible to, the general public.
Without limiting its general nature, the objects shall be to, inter alia, include:
Organise and Facilitate Mountaineering.
Procure and Protect Real Rights in and Access to Mountains and Mountain Areas.
Initiate and Support Actions towards Protecting the Natural Beauty and Wilderness Character of Mountains and to Promote their Effective Conservation Management.
Promote the Safety and Training of Mountaineers.
Provide Search and Rescue Services.
Promote the Study of Mountains and their Environments, the Preservation of Historical and Archaeological Sites thereon and the Dissemination of Information on Mountains and Mountaineering.
Code of Conduct - MCSA Magaliesberg Section
The Code follows the spirit of the Silver Rule “Do no harm”. Where applicable, assist and encourage others to adhere to the code of conduct.
By its nature MCSA activities involve an element of risk. Those participating in club activities need to accept these risks.
- Make sure you are familiar with safety concerns. You are responsible and accountable for your own safety and must not endanger those around you.
- If unsure it is your responsibility to find out what risks are involved. Do not undertake activities for which you are not prepared or experienced enough.
- Improve your knowledge by attending training courses.
- Plan ahead for bad weather conditions or medical emergencies, such as bee allergies.
The MCSA owns some properties and servitudes. Land ownership brings with it responsibilities. The MCSA also organises access to privately and publicly owned land. Access to areas not owned by the club can be difficult to obtain and easy to lose. Even when visiting club-owned properties be aware that there often needs to be interaction with neighbouring land owners on whose properties we park or traverse to get to club-owned land. Always respect the rights of Nature Conservation organisations, authorities and land owners and the access and permit arrangements.
- Do not trespass on property where the club does not have access arrangements.
- Respect arrival and departure deadlines; privacy of land owners, farm fences and gates, parking fees and parking places.
- Please do not pass access details on to non-members.
- Members are asked to patrol club-owned properties and to assist in the management of the properties, so please attend work meets.
Streams and water
Water is precious and we must treasure our still-pristine streams:
- Correct toilet manners in the bush is crucial to keeping streams unpolluted (see below).
- Swim downstream from water collection points.
- Wash well away from camps and water sources.
- The use of soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. near water is polluting and can be harmful to sensitive ecosystems.
- Apply sunscreen after swimming – not before.
- Use sand, grass or heated water instead of dishwashing liquid, and do not empty dirty water into rivers.
Human waste
- Go at least 50m away from water or drainage courses and also from paths, camping spots, huts or caves when relieving yourself.
- Excreta and toilet paper must be buried (about 15cm) in a small deep hole.
- Carry a small spade or trowel to dig the hole – avoid damaging plants in the process.
- Fill the hole with the original soil and place a large stone or two on top.
- Tampons and pads are non-biodegradable and should not be buried but carried out; please carry small plastic bags for the purpose.
Camping and hiking
- Tread softly and look where you place your feet.
- Prevent soil erosion by staying on paths where available and avoid creating new paths or taking short cuts.
- Make use of established campsites and keep campsites small.
- Good campsites are found, not made; do not clear vegetation, make trenches or level ground.
- Camping inside kloofs causes disturbance to leaf litter and soft soil; this is very detrimental and causes erosion. Please avoid if at all possible.
- Do not throw or roll rocks off cliffs.
- Cooperate with and respect the leader’s decisions when on an official hike/climb.
- Respect other visitors by avoiding loud noises.
- Carry out all rubbish – yours and anyone else’s.
- Cigarette butts (and some peels) take very long to disintegrate, carry them out.
- Inspect campsites for rubbish before leaving.
Fire and cooking
- The utmost care must be taken to prevent veld fires; by law we are responsible if fires spread to surrounding properties from ours.
- Fires should not be made except in places where there are built fireplaces.
- When using your stove, keep it away from vegetation and watch it at all times.
Fauna and flora
- Try not to disturb wildlife and do not feed animals. Store food securely.
- Take care to not damage plants or break branches.
- Graffiti on any surface and of any kind is unacceptable.
- Minimise the visual impact of fixed protection and rap points.
- Co-operate with managing authorities and recognise and respond to their concerns.
- Do not bolt without contacting the sport climbing sub-committee.
- No climbing or opening of climbing routes near areas with rock art
- Rock climbing may impact on nesting sites of birds; be aware of any restrictions that may be in place regarding placing of routes and the times when routes may not be climbed.
Cultural considerations
- Leave cultural artefacts, bones or pottery where they are found for others to see, enjoy and study: disturbing cultural sites may render them useless for study and observation in the future.
- Do not touch or wet rock art, or camp in caves with rock art.
- Respect local cultures, their heritage and traditions.
I undertake to uphold the good name of the MCSA at all times, support the objectives of the club in general and abide by the specific guidelines as set out in this Code of Conduct.