Training, mentoring and exposure to outdoors activities forms an integral part of mountaineering and related activities and is therefore also regarded as important by the Magalies section of the MCSA
The MCSA offers training from time to time on various subjects related to mountaineering, rock climbing, hiking and conservation with regards to the objectives of the Mountain Club of South Africa. Much of the training is deliberate and focusses on core mountaineering activities, but some of it simply plays a supporting, educational or entertainment role.
Some training is done in conjunction with various third party providers at a fee (often accompanied by a form of certification) or by volunteers at no cost (no certification).
If you want to participate in outdoors activities with the MCSA , we assume that you have an interest in its activities and possess a basic level of related skills. If you feel that you need guidance or training (or wish to improve your skills), it is important to liaise with the club and talk to us. Ultimately, you will only gain confidence and skills by participating in MCSA activities.
Training offered may include, but is not limited to:
- Introduction to rock climbing
- Rope work and alpine skills
- Navigation
- Snake identification, bite treatment and introduction to snake handling
- Patrolling
- Conservation and the environment
- Orientation to club properties
- Basic hiking skills and equipment tech talk
- First aid
For more on our training please contact our Training representative on
Please check the Calendar for our next training event.
To join the club please click here.

Advanced rope skills training

Introduction to climbing

Beginner hike to Tugela Falls, Drakensberg

Navigational training at Wilgepoort

Beginner hike, Injisuthi, Drakensberg

Multi-pitch Sport Climbing, Swinburne